
/vohg/, n.
1. something in fashion, as at a particular time: Short hairdos were the vogue in the twenties.
2. popular currency, acceptance, or favor; popularity: The book is having a great vogue.
[1565-75; < MF: wave or course of success < OIt voga a rowing, deriv. of vogare to row, sail < ?]
Syn. 1. mode. See fashion.

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  • vogue — VOGUE. s. fem. L impulsion, le mouvement d une galere ou autre vaisseau par la force des rames. Vogue lente & foible, vogue pressée & forte. Il sign. fig. Le credit, l estime, la reputation où est une personne. Ce Predicateur avoit fort la vogue …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Vogue — Vogue, n. [F. vogue a rowing, vogue, fashion, It. voga, fr. vogare to row, to sail; probably fr. OHG. wag?n to move, akin to E. way. Cf. {Way}.] 1. The way or fashion of people at any particular time; temporary mode, custom, or practice; popular… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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