
/voh kay"sheuhn/, n.
1. a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling.
2. a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career.
3. a divine call to God's service or to the Christian life.
4. a function or station in life to which one is called by God: the religious vocation; the vocation of marriage.
[1400-50; late ME vocacio(u)n < L vocation- (s. of vocatio) a call, summons, equiv. to vocat(us) ptp. of vocare to call (see -ATE1) + -ion- -ION]
Syn. 1. employment, pursuit.

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  • vocation — ► NOUN 1) a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. 2) a person s employment or main occupation, especially one requiring dedication. 3) a trade or profession. ORIGIN Latin, from vocare to call …   English terms dictionary

  • vocation — [vō kā′shən] n. [ME vocacion < LL(Ec) vocatio, a calling < L, an invitation, court summons < vocare, to call < vox,VOICE] 1. a) a call, summons, or impulsion to perform a certain function or enter a certain career, esp. a religious… …   English World dictionary

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