visual arts

visual arts
the arts created primarily for visual perception, as drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts.

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  • visual arts — noun plural types of art in which you make something for people to look at, for example painting, drawing, and PHOTOGRAPHY ─ compare PERFORMING ARTS …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • visual arts — n [plural] art such as painting, ↑sculpture etc that you look at, as opposed to literature or music …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Visual arts — The visual arts are art forms that focus on the creation of works which are primarily visual in nature, such as painting, photography, printmaking, and filmmaking. Those that involve three dimensional objects, such as sculpture and architecture,… …   Wikipedia

  • visual arts — the arts created primarily for visual perception, as drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts. * * * visual arts plural noun Painting, sculpture, films, etc as opposed to literature, music, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑visual * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Visual arts —    Russia’s ongoing debates about its cultural heritage are especially evident in the realm of visual arts. Starting with Slavophiles, all Russian thinkers and artists were forced to place themselves on either the Western or Eastern front of the… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • visual arts —    Spain has had a long tradition of excellence in the visual arts, covering the entire range from the Moorish palace of the Alhambra in Granada to the sixteenth and seventeenth century flowering of painting represented by artists like El Greco… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • Visual arts of Chicago — refers to paintings, prints, illustrations, textile art, sculpture, ceramics and other visual artworks produced in Chicago or by people with a connection to Chicago. Since World War II, Chicago visual art has had a strong individualistic streak,… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas — encompasses the visual artistic traditions of the indigenous peoples of the Americas from ancient times to the present. These include works from South America, Mesoamerica, North America including Greenland, as well as Siberian Yup ik peoples who …   Wikipedia

  • Visual Arts Brampton — was formed in 1986 to organize the arts community, providing workshops, exhibits and a regular newsletter, among other things.The president and founding member of this twenty year old group is artist Keith Moreau.GalleriesVisual Arts Brampton… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual arts of the United States — refers to the history of painting and visual art in the United States. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, artists primarily painted landscapes and portraits in a realistic style. A parallel development taking shape in rural… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual arts of Cambodia — The history of visual arts in Cambodia stretches back centuries to ancient crafts; Khmer art reached its peak during the Angkor period. Traditional Cambodian arts and crafts include textiles, non textile weaving, silversmithing, stone carving,… …   Wikipedia

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