
/wees/; Eng. /vis/, n., pl. vires /wee"rddays/; Eng. /vuy"reez/. Latin.
strength; force; power.

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Italian  Lissa,  

       Croatian island in the Adriatic Sea, the outermost major island of the Dalmatian archipelago. Its highest point is Mount Hum, at 1,926 feet (587 m). Its climate and vegetation are Mediterranean and subtropical, with palms, Mediterranean pines, citrus, eucalyptus, cacti, and early vegetables. Fishing and canning are economically important. Wine making is also important, and Vis has a long history of fine wines.

      The town of Vis itself contains the ruins of the Greek colony of Issa, founded in 390 BC. The people were allied with Rome during several of its wars and became part of the empire in 47 BC. Slav settlers began arriving in the 8th century AD, and during the Middle Ages, Byzantium held sway over the island. Thereafter, it was ruled by Venice, Austria, Napoleon's short-lived Illyrian Provinces, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It became part of the new Yugoslav state in 1918 and of independent Croatia in 1991.

      Major naval engagements were fought in nearby waters: in 1811 between Franco-Venetian and British fleets, the latter being victorious; and in 1866 between Austrian and Italian navies, the first clash of modern ironclad steam fleets, in which the Austrians won the day. During World War II the island was liberated from the Germans by Yugoslav Partisan forces and became a centre for joint Allied operations. Area 35 square miles (90 square km). Pop. (2001) town, 1,776.

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  • Vis — may refer to: Geography * Vis (island), a Croatian island in the Adriatic sea * Vis (town), town and municipality on the island of Vis * Vis, Bulgaria, a village in Ivaylovgrad municipality, Haskovo Province, Bulgaria * Vis River, in south… …   Wikipedia

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