- vindictive
/vin dik"tiv/, adj.1. disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful: a vindictive person.2. proceeding from or showing a revengeful spirit: vindictive rumors.[1610-20; < L vindict(a) vengeance + -IVE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
vindictive — vindictive, revengeful, vengeful are close synonyms often used interchangeably to mean showing or motivated by a desire for vengeance. Distinctively vindictive tends to stress this reaction as inherent in the nature of the individual and,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vindictive — [vin dik′tiv] adj. [< L vindicta, revenge, vindication < vindicatus (see VINDICATE) + IVE] 1. revengeful in spirit; inclined to seek vengeance 2. said or done in revenge; characterized by vengeance [vindictive punishment] vindictively adv.… … English World dictionary
Vindictive — Vin*dic tive, a. [For vindicative, confused with L. vindicta revenge, punishment, fr. vindicare to vindicate. Cf. {Vindicative}.] 1. Disposed to revenge; prompted or characterized by revenge; revengeful. [1913 Webster] I am vindictive enough to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vindictive — I adjective angry, avenging, grudgeful, implacable, inclined to vengeance, malevolent, malicious, malignant, punitive, punitory, rancorous, resentful, retaliative, retaliatory, retributive, revengeful, spiteful, ulciscendi cupidus, unforgiving,… … Law dictionary
vindictive — 1610s, from L. vindicta revenge (see VINDICATION (Cf. vindication)). Related: Vindictively … Etymology dictionary
vindictive — [adj] hateful, revengeful avenging, cruel, grim, grudging, implacable, malicious, malignant, merciless, rancorous, relentless, resentful, retaliatory, ruthless, spiteful, unforgiving, unrelenting, vengeful, venomous, wreakful; concepts 401,542… … New thesaurus
vindictive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. DERIVATIVES vindictively adverb vindictiveness noun. ORIGIN from Latin vindicta vengeance … English terms dictionary
vindictive — adjective in her memoirs she revealed that Drake had been a vindictive ex lover Syn: vengeful, revengeful, unforgiving, resentful, acrimonious, bitter; spiteful, mean, rancorous, venomous, malicious, malevolent, nasty, mean spirited, cruel,… … Thesaurus of popular words
vindictive — adj. vindictive of (that was vindictive of him) * * * [vɪn dɪktɪv] vindictive of (that was vindictive of him) … Combinatory dictionary
vindictive — vin|dic|tive [ vın dıktıv ] adjective someone who is vindictive is cruel to anyone who hurts them and will not forgive them: vindictive toward: Divorced couples often become quite vindictive toward each other. a. used about people s behavior: a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vindictive — UK [vɪnˈdɪktɪv] / US adjective a) someone who is vindictive is cruel to anyone who hurts them and will not forgive them vindictive towards: Divorced couples often become quite vindictive towards each other. b) used about people s behaviour a… … English dictionary