
/bee'yah erdd maw"sah/, n.
a city in and the capital of Tabasco, in E Mexico. 142,384.

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City (pop., 2000: 330,846), capital of Tabasco state, southeastern Mexico.

Founded in 1596 as Villa Felipe II, it has also been known as San Juan de Villa Hermosa and as San Juan Bautista; it was given its present name in 1915. The cathedral was built in 1614. The archaeological museum is one of the best in Mexico. Villahermosa is the state's chief distributing, processing, and agricultural city. There are Maya archaeological ruins in the area.

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 city, capital of tabasco estado (state), southeastern Mexico. Located some 30 miles (50 km) south of the Gulf of Mexico, the city sprawls across the gulf lowlands at about 33 feet (10 metres) above sea level, on the banks of the Grijalva River. It has a hot and humid tropical climate. Founded in the early 1500s as Santa María de la Victoria and renamed Villa Felipe II in 1596, the city preserves a cathedral built in 1614. The settlement has also been known as San Juan de Villa Hermosa and as San Juan Bautista; it was given its present name, meaningBeautiful City,” in 1915.

      An important government centre, Villahermosa is also the state's chief commercial and industrial city. It lies at the heart of Mexico's cacao-producing region, and its mills and warehouses process a wide variety of tropical crops, including sugarcane, bananas and other fruits, tobacco, rice, and hardwoods. Manufactures include distilled beverages, wood products, cigars, textiles, and packaged foods. The development of the state's Reforma oil field has fueled the growth of Villahermosa's contemporary economy.

      Villahermosa is a regional tourism hub; attractions include nearby Olmec and Maya ruins, excursions on the Grijalva River, and local seafood. The city's La Venta Park-Museum (1958), one of the best archaeological museums in Mexico, has an extensive open-air collection of Olmec artifacts. Villahermosa is also the site of the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco (1958). The city is linked by highways with Mexico City, the Yucatán Peninsula, and nearby Teapa, through which the main Veracruz-Yucatán railroad passes; it also has a domestic airport. Pop. (2000) city, 330,846; urban agglom., 600,580; (2005) city, 335,778.

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Universalium. 2010.

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