Victor III

Victor III
(Dauferius) 1027-87, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1086-87.

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orig. Dauferi

born 1027, Benevento, principality of Benevento
died Sept. 16, 1087, Montecassino, principality of Capua; beatified July 23, 1887; feast day September 16

Pope (108687).

As abbot of Monte Cassino from 1058, he promoted manuscript illumination, established a school of mosaic, and reconstructed the abbey. He served as papal vicar in southern Italy, negotiating peace between the Normans and the papacy. He was proclaimed pope against his will and was soon driven from Rome by supporters of Emperor Henry IV and the antipope Clement III. In 1087, after briefly retiring to his abbey, Victor resumed his papal authority and promoted the reforms of his predecessor, Pope Gregory VII. After sending an army to defeat the Saracens at Tunis (1087), he called a synod at Benevento and excommunicated Clement. He fell ill and returned to Monte Cassino, where he died.

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Universalium. 2010.

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