
vestmental /vest men"tl/, adj.vestmented, adj.
/vest"meuhnt/, n.
1. a garment, esp. an outer garment.
2. vestments, Chiefly Literary. attire; clothing.
3. an official or ceremonial robe.
4. Eccles.
a. one of the garments worn by the clergy and their assistants, choristers, etc., during divine service and on other occasions.
b. one of the garments worn by the celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon during the celebration of the Eucharist.
5. something that clothes or covers like a garment: a mountaintop with a vestment of clouds.
[1250-1300; syncopated var. of ME vestiment < ML vestimentum priestly robe, L: garment, equiv. to vesti(re) to dress (see VEST) + -mentum -MENT]

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  • vestment — ► NOUN 1) a robe worn by the clergy or choristers during services. 2) archaic a garment, especially a ceremonial or official robe. ORIGIN Latin vestimentum, from vestire to clothe …   English terms dictionary

  • vestment — [vest′mənt] n. [ME vestement < OFr < L vestimentum < vestire, to clothe: see VEST] 1. a garment; robe; gown; esp., an official robe or gown 2. Eccles. any of the garments worn by officiants and their assistants, choir members, etc.… …   English World dictionary

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  • vestment — UK [ˈvestmənt] / US noun [countable] Word forms vestment : singular vestment plural vestments formal a robe worn by a priest, or a piece of clothing worn with it …   English dictionary

  • vestment — noun Etymology: Middle English vestement, from Anglo French, from Latin vestimentum, from vestire to clothe Date: 13th century 1. a. an outer garment; especially a robe of ceremony or office b. plural clothing, garb 2. a covering resembling a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vestment — noun a) A robe or gown worn as an indication of office b) Any of the robes worn by members of the clergy etc., especially a garment worn at the celebration of the Eucharist …   Wiktionary

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