
/ver"ee/, adv., adj., (Obs.) verier, veriest.
1. in a high degree; extremely; exceedingly: A giant is very tall.
2. (used as an intensive emphasizing superlatives or stressing identity or oppositeness): the very best thing; in the very same place as before.
3. precise; particular: That is the very item we want.
4. mere: The very thought of it is distressing.
5. sheer; utter: He wept from the very joy of knowing he was safe.
6. actual: He was caught in the very act of stealing.
7. being such in the true or fullest sense of the term; extreme: the very heart of the matter.
8. true; genuine; worthy of being called such: the very God; a very fool.
9. rightful or legitimate.
[1200-50; ME < AF; OF verai (F vrai) < VL *veracus, for L verax truthful, equiv. to ver(us) true (c. OE waer, G wahr true, correct) + -ax adj. suffix]
Syn. 5. pure, simple, plain.
Usage. Past participles that have become established as adjectives can, like most English adjectives, be modified by the adverb VERY: a very driven person; We were very concerned for your safety. VERY does not modify past participles that are clearly verbal; for example, The lid was very sealed is not an idiomatic construction, while The lid was very tightly sealed is. Sometimes confusion arises over whether a given past participle is adjectival and thus able to be modified by VERY without an intervening adverb. However
, there is rarely any objection to the use of this intervening adverb, no matter how the past participle is functioning. Such use often occurs in edited writing: We were very much relieved to find the children asleep. They were very greatly excited by the news. I feel very badly cheated.

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Universalium. 2010.

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