venturi tube

venturi tube
/ven toor"ee/
a device for measuring the flow of a fluid, consisting of a tube with a short, narrow center section and widened, tapered ends, so that a fluid flowing through the center section at a higher velocity than through an end section creates a pressure differential that is a measure of the flow of the fluid.
[named after G. B. Venturi (1746-1822), Italian physicist whose work led to its invention]

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Short pipe with a constricted inner surface, used to measure fluid flows and as a pump.

The effects of constricted channels on fluid flow were first investigated by Giovanni Battista Venturi (17461822), but it was Clemens Herschel (18421930) who devised the instrument in 1888. Fluid passing through the tube speeds up as it enters the tube's narrow throat, and the pressure drops. There are countless applications for the principle, including the carburetor, in which air flows through a venturi channel at whose throat gasoline vapour enters through an opening, drawn in by the low pressure. The pressure differential can also be used to measure fluid flow (see flow meter).

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measurement instrument
      short pipe with a constricted inner surface, used to measure fluid flows and as a pump. The 18th19th-century Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi, observing the effects of constricted channels on fluid flow, designed an instrument with a narrow throat in the middle; fluid passing through the tube speeds up as it enters the throat, and the pressure drops. There are countless applications for the principlee.g., an automobile carburetor, in which air flows through a venturi channel at whose throat gasoline vapour enters through an opening, drawn in by the low pressure. The pressure differential can also be used to measure fluid flow. See also Bernoulli's theorem.

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  • venturi (tube) — or venturi [ven toor′ē] n. [after G. B. Venturi (1746 1822), It physicist] a short tube with a constricted, throatlike passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it: used to measure the flow of a fluid …   English World dictionary

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