
/ven"euhr euh beuhl/, adj.
1. commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character: a venerable member of Congress.
2. a title for someone proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church to have attained the first degree of sanctity or of an Anglican archdeacon.
3. (of places, buildings, etc.) hallowed by religious, historic, or other lofty associations: the venerable halls of the abbey.
4. impressive or interesting because of age, antique appearance, etc.: a venerable oak tree.
5. extremely old or obsolete; ancient: a venerable automobile.
6. a venerable person.
[1400-50; late ME < L venerabilis, equiv. to venera(ri) to VENERATE + -bilis -BLE]

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Latin  Venerabilis,  

      title or respectful form of address, used from very early times in Europe, especially for certain clergy or for laymen of marked spiritual merit. St. Augustine in some epistles cited the term in reference to bishops, and Philip I of France was styled venerabilis and venerandus (“reverential”). The venerable by which Saint Bede is commonly known (“the Venerable Bede,” orBede the Venerable”) survives from a contemporary practice of so addressing bishops and abbots and, posthumously, worthy clerics such as Bede.

      In the Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholicism), the titleVenerableis bestowed on a deceased person in the first of three stages leading to beatification (with the title ofBlessed”) and canonization (with the title ofSaint”). The candidate to these higher honours becomesVenerablewhen his or her case has been officially accepted by the Sacred Congregation of Rites and when a special papal decree announces the candidacy, asserting that the person had virtues of heroic degree or had suffered martyrdom.

      Priests of the Carthusian order (other than the prior-general) are addressed asVenerable” (rather thanReverend,” as in other orders).

      In the Church of England, venerable is the proper title of address for an archdeacon.

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