velvet ant

velvet ant
any of several fuzzy, often brightly colored wasps of the family Mutillidae, the wingless, antlike female of which inflicts a severe sting.
[1740-50, Amer.]

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 any of a group of wasps (order Hymenoptera) that are named for the covering of dense hairs and somewhat antlike appearance of the wingless females. Males are also covered with dense hairs but have wings and resemble wasps. Most species are brightly coloured, with yellow, orange, or red patterns, ranging in size from about 6 to 20 mm (about 0.25 to 0.80 inch). Males are generally less brightly marked than the females. About 3,000 species are known, and they are most prevalent in the hot, dry regions of the Western Hemisphere.

      Females can use their ovipositor (egg-laying structure) as a powerful stinger. Both sexes make a squeaking sound by rubbing a special stridulating organ. Although most species are parasites of the immature stages of bees and wasps that nest in the ground, some parasitize ground-nesting flies or beetles. The female lays a single egg in each cell in which there is a host larva. The velvet ant larvae are external parasites of the immature host. In cool regions, velvet ants pass the winter in the pupal form.

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  • velvet ant — ☆ velvet ant n. any of a family (Mutillidae) of antlike wasps, often with brightly colored hairs: the females are wingless …   English World dictionary

  • velvet ant — vel′vet ant n. ent any of several fuzzy, often brightly colored wasps of the family Mutillidae, the wingless, antlike female of which inflicts a severe sting • Etymology: 1740–50, amer …   From formal English to slang

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  • velvet ant — noun Date: 1748 any of various solitary usually brightly colored and hairy fossorial wasps (family Mutillidae) with the female wingless …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • velvet ant — noun A wasp of the family Mutillidae with dense hair and whose wingless females resemble ants …   Wiktionary

  • velvet ant — noun a velvety bodied hymenopterous insect whose larvae parasitize bees and wasps. [Family Mutillidae: numerous species.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • velvet ant — noun a solitary wasp of the family Mutillidae; the body has a coat of brightly colored velvety hair and the females are wingless • Hypernyms: ↑wasp • Member Holonyms: ↑Mutillidae, ↑family Mutillidae …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Ant, velvet — Common in most parts of the world including the Southern and Southwestern U.S., velvet ants are not true ants but rather parasitic wasps. Their sting can trigger allergic reactions. Avoidance, prompt treatment and, in selected cases, allergy… …   Medical dictionary

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