
/vee"leuh, vay"-/, n., gen. Velorum /vee lawr"euhm, -lohr"-, vay-/ for 1. Astron.
1. the Sail, a southern constellation: one of the subordinate constellations into which Argo is divided.
2. U.S. Aerospace. one of a series of reconnaissance satellites designed to detect nuclear explosions.
[ < L, pl. of VELUM sail]

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      any of a series of 12 unmanned U.S. reconnaissance satellites developed to detect radiation from nuclear explosions in the Earth's atmosphere. Launched from 1963 to 1970, the Vela satellites were supposed to make certain that no countries violated the 1963 international treaty banning the testing of nuclear weapons on the ground or in the atmosphere. Although their primary function was military reconnaissance, the Velas made several significant astronomical discoveries, including the detection of a powerful X-ray source between the constellations Centaurus and Lupus.

      Each Vela spacecraft carried radiation detectors sensitive to X-ray and gamma-ray emissions. The satellites were always launched in pairs to an orbit of more than 60,000 miles (96,000 kilometres) above the Earth. The first twin craft were orbited on Oct. 17, 1963. By 1967 an advanced version of the satellite had been developed. The new model was equipped with more sophisticated detection instruments and was designed to continually point toward the Earth, unlike the earlier version, which viewed the heavens as well. The first pair of advanced Vela satellites was orbited on April 28, 1967. The last two pairs in the series were launched in 1969 and 1970.

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Universalium. 2010.

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