
vegetatively, adv.vegetativeness, n.
/vej"i tay'tiv/, adj.
1. growing or developing as or like plants; vegetating.
2. of, pertaining to, or concerned with vegetation or vegetable growth.
3. of or pertaining to the plant kingdom.
4. noting the parts of a plant not specialized for reproduction.
5. (of reproduction) asexual.
6. denoting or pertaining to those bodily functions that are performed unconsciously or involuntarily.
7. having the power to produce or support growth in plants: vegetative mold.
8. characterized by a lack of activity; inactive; passive: a vegetative state.
Also, vegetive /vej"i tiv/.
[1350-1400; ME vegetatyf < ML vegetativus. See VEGETATE, -IVE]

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