
/vay"leuhnz/, n.
Flavius /flay"vee euhs/, A.D. c328-378, emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire 364-378.

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born с AD 328
died Aug. 9, 378

Eastern Roman emperor (364378).

His older brother, Valentinian I, appointed Valens to be coemperor and assigned him to rule the eastern part of the empire, while Valentinian took the throne in the West. An Arian Christian, Valens persecuted Catholics and waged war on the pagan Procopius (366), the Visigoths (367369), and the Persians (с 376). When the Visigoths again rebelled against the Romans, Valens's poor tactics led to his defeat and death in the great Battle of Adrianople.

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Roman emperor
born c. 328
died Aug. 9, 378
 Eastern Roman emperor from 364 to 378. He was the younger brother of Valentinian I, who assumed the throne upon the death of the emperor Jovian (Feb. 17, 364). On March 28, 364, Valentinian appointed Valens to be co-emperor. Valens was assigned to rule the Eastern part of the empire, while Valentinian took the throne in the West. Soon Valens was challenged by the pagan Procopius, who had himself proclaimed emperor in Constantinople (September 365). When Valens marched from Antioch to confront the usurper, Procopius was deserted by many of his troops; on May 27, 366, he was betrayed and put to death.

      Valens next waged war on the Visigoths (Visigoth), who had aided Procopius and were threatening to invade Thrace. In May 367 the Emperor crossed the Danube and devastated the Visigothic territories (in modern Romania). Two years later he invaded the area again and decisively defeated the tribe. After suppressing the conspiracy of Theodorus at Antioch in the winter of 371372, Valens became involved in war with the Persians. He achieved a victory in Mesopotamia but in 376 was obliged to make peace on unfavourable terms. In that year the Visigoths, defeated and pursued by the Huns, were allowed by Valens' generals to settle in Roman territory south of the Danube. Soon the tribe rebelled against the Romans and engaged the Emperor in the great Battle of Adrianople (Adrianople, Battle of) (modern Edirne, Tur.) on Aug. 9, 378. The poor tactics employed by Valens led to the total defeat of his army, and the Emperor himself was numbered among the fallen.

      Valens was an Arian Christian who persecuted Catholics while interfering little with the pagans. Bishops who had been restored by the emperor Julian were banished, although near the end of his reign Valens relented somewhat and allowed these exiles to return.

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