- useless
/yoohs"lis/, adj.1. of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him.2. without useful qualities; of no practical good: a useless person; a useless gadget.[1585-95; USE + -LESS]Syn. 1. fruitless, profitless, valueless, worthless, inutile. USELESS, FUTILE, INEFFECTUAL, VAIN refer to that which is unavailing. That is USELESS which is unavailing because of the circumstances of the case or some inherent defect: It is useless to cry over spilt milk. FUTILE suggests wasted effort and complete failure to attain a desired end: All attempts were futile. That which is INEFFECTUAL weakly applies energy in an ill-advised way and does not produce a desired effect: an ineffectual effort. That which is VAIN is fruitless or hopeless even after all possible effort: It is vain to keep on hoping. 2. unserviceable, unusable.
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Universalium. 2010.