
urnlike, adj.
/errn/, n.
1. a large or decorative vase, esp. one with an ornamental foot or pedestal.
2. a vase for holding the ashes of the cremated dead.
3. a large metal container with a spigot, used for making or serving tea or coffee in quantity.
4. Bot. the spore-bearing part of the capsule of a moss, between lid and seta.
[1325-75; ME urne < L urna earthen vessel for ashes, water, etc., akin to urceus pitcher, Gk hýrche jar]

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  • URN — (англ. Uniform Resource Name)  единообразное название (имя) ресурса. На английский манер произносится как слово earn, по русски чаще говорят [у эр эн]. URN  это постоянная последовательность символов, идентифицирующая абстрактный… …   Википедия

  • Urn — Urn, n. [OE. urne, L. urna; perhaps fr. urere to burn, and sop called as being made of burnt clay (cf. {East}): cf. F. urne.] [1913 Webster] 1. A vessel of various forms, usually a vase furnished with a foot or pedestal, employed for different… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • URN —   [Abk. für Uniform Resource Name, dt. »einheitlicher Ressourcenname«] der oder die, mögliche Form einer URI zur Adressierung einer im Internet liegenden Ressource. Im Unterschied zur bekannteren URL enthält eine URN keinen Hinweis auf den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • URN — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda URN es un acrónimo inglés de Uniform Resource Name, al español Nombre de recurso uniforme . Un URN trabaja de manera similar a un URL (Localizadores Universales de Recursos). Éstos identifican recursos en la web,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Urn — Urn, v. t. To inclose in, or as in, an urn; to inurn. [1913 Webster] When horror universal shall descend, And heaven s dark concave urn all human race. Young. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • URN — is a three letter acronym which may represent: *Uniform Resource Name, a subset of URI *University Radio Nottingham, a university radio station in Nottingham, England *Urn (band), a gothic metal band See also *Urn …   Wikipedia

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  • urn — [ʉrn] n. [ME < L urna, urn; akin to urceus, jug] 1. a) a vase, esp. one with a foot or pedestal b) such a vase used to hold the ashes of a cremated body 2. a large metal container with a faucet, used for making and serving hot coffee, tea, etc …   English World dictionary

  • urn — [ə:n US ə:rn] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: urna] 1.) a decorated container, especially one that is used for holding the ↑ashes of a dead body 2.) a metal container that holds a large amount of tea or coffee …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • urn — [ ɜrn ] noun count a container for the ASHES of a dead person after the body has been burned a. a large metal container for making tea or coffee b. a large attractive container for flowers or plants …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • urn — late 14c., vase used to preserve the ashes of the dead, from L. urna a jar, vessel, probably from earlier *urc na, akin to urceus pitcher, jug, and from the same source as Gk. hyrke earthen vessel. But another theory connects it to L. urere to… …   Etymology dictionary

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