
unsettledness, n.
/un set"ld/, adj.
1. not settled; not fixed or stable; without established order; unorganized; disorganized: an unsettled social order; still unsettled in their new home.
2. continuously moving or changing; not situated in one place: an unsettled life.
3. wavering or uncertain, as in opinions or behavior; unstable; erratic: an unsettled state of mind.
4. not populated or settled, as a region: an unsettled wilderness.
5. undetermined, as a point at issue; undecided; doubtful: After many years the matter was still unsettled.
6. not adjusted, closed, or disposed of, as an account, estate, or law case.
7. liable to change; inconstant; variable: unsettled weather.
[1585-95; UN-1 + SETTLE1 + -ED2]
Syn. 3. UNSETTLED, UNSTABLE, UNSTEADY imply a lack of fixity, firmness, and dependability. That which is UNSETTLED is not fixed or determined: unsettled weather; unsettled claims. That which is UNSTABLE is wavering, changeable; easily moved, shaken, or overthrown: unstable equilibrium; an unstable decision. That which is UNSTEADY is infirm or shaky in position or movement: unsteady on one's feet; unsteady of purpose. 5. indeterminate, unsure. 7. vacillating, fickle, faltering, irresolute.
Ant. 1, 3. stable.

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