United Press International
- United Press International
a business organization of newspapers in the U.
together with representatives abroad,
for the reporting and interchange of news.
Abbr.: UPI,
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▪ American news agency
based news agency,
one of the largest proprietary news wire services in the world.
It was created in 1958 upon the merger of the United Press (
with the International News Service (
UPI and its precursor agencies pioneered in some key areas of news coverage,
including the wired transmission of news photographs in 1925.
In 1907 newspaper publisher E.
Scripps (
Scripps, Edward Willis)
combined three regional news services under his control to sell news to all newspapers,
not only those with a franchise (
as had the Associated Press).
Scripps made the enterprising Roy W.
Howard the UP'
s general manager in 1912.
Soon the agency established bureaus in major European capitals.
It began to supply news to Latin-
American papers during World War I.
Throughout its history United Press stressed human-
interest and feature news,
and it developed the subsidiary United Features syndicate to sell special features.
It also established UP Movietone News to supply news film to television stations.
William Randolph Hearst (
Hearst, William Randolph)
had set up INS to provide news to morning newspapers.
In 1928 other Hearst news services were merged into INS to enable it to provide around-
clock service.
It had about 2,
000 domestic and foreign clients in 1958,
when it was merged with UP,
then much larger.
The merged organization, by the late 20th century, served newspaper and telecommunications clients in the United States and other countries, transmitting in many languages over radio and leased wire facilities. As befell many of its clients, UPI found costs rising faster than revenues in the 1970s, and the number of subscribers dropped sharply. From 1982, UPI underwent a series of changes of ownership.
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United Press International — (UPI) is a news agency headquartered in the United States with roots dating back to 1907. Once a mainstay in the newswire service along with Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, the popularity of the televised evening news and the resulting decline … Wikipedia
United Press International — United Press International, kurz UPI, ist eine Nachrichtenagentur in den USA. Sie ist 1958 aus United Press (UP) und International News Service (INS) hervorgegangen. UP war 1907 von Edward Willis Scripps gegründet worden, INS zwei Jahre später… … Deutsch Wikipedia
United Press International — (UPI ou United Press) est une agence de presse américaine. Elle a été, avec Associated Press, Reuters et l Agence France Presse, une des quatre principales agences de presse au monde avant de décliner dans les années 1990. Histoire La société a… … Wikipédia en Français
United Press International — [ju naɪtɪd pres ɪntə næʃnl; englisch], Nachrichtenagentur, UPI … Universal-Lexikon
United Press International — Sede de UPI en Washington, D.C. United Press International (UPI) es una agencia internacional de noticias con sede en Estados Unidos. Fue pionera en muchas áreas en la cobertura y distribución de noticias en todo el mundo. Fue fundada en 1907.… … Wikipedia Español
United Press International — … Википедия
United Press International — a business organization of newspapers in the U.S., together with representatives abroad, for the reporting and interchange of news. Abbr.: UPI, U.P.I. * * * ˌUnited ˌPress Interˈnational 7 [United Press International] noun (abbr. UPI) a US… … Useful english dictionary
United Press International Radio Network — United Press International (UPI) was the first wire service to start its own radio news network. In the early 1960s it began offering a 4 and a half minute newscast at the top of the hour. Unlike most commercial networks which pay local stations… … Wikipedia
United Press International Athlete of the Year Award — The United Press International Athlete of the Year Award was conferred annually between 1974 and 1995 one each to the individuals adjudged, without restriction to nationality or sport contested, to be the male and female athlete of the year by a… … Wikipedia
United Press International — noun a private agency for the gathering and distributing of news. Abbrev.: UP, UPI Formerly, United Press …