- ultrastructure
—ultrastructural, adj./ul"treuh struk'cheuhr/, n. Cell Biol.[1935-40; ULTRA- + STRUCTURE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
ultrastructure — ● ultrastructure nom féminin Structure de cellules ou de tissus observés au microscope électronique. ultrastructure [yltʀastʀyktyʀ] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de ultra (microscopique), et structure. ❖ ♦ Biol. Structure cellula … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ultrastructure — (or ultra structure) is the detailed structure of a biological specimen, such as a cell, tissue, or organ, that can be observed by electron microscopy. It refers in general to the study of cellular structures that are too small to be seen with an … Wikipedia
ultrastructure — [ul′trəstruk΄chər] n. the minute, elemental structure of protoplasm that can be seen only with an electron microscope ultrastructural adj … English World dictionary
Ultrastructure — Un exemple d ultrastructure avec la bactérie catalase positive, Bacillus subtilis. L ultrastructure concerne un domaine de dimensions qui se situe entre le domaine atomique moléculaire et le domaine accessible au microscope optique. Le microscope … Wikipédia en Français
Ultrastructure cellulaire — Ultrastructure L ultrastructure concerne un domaine de dimensions qui se situe entre le domaine atomique moléculaire et le domaine accessible au microscope optique. Le microscope électronique est l instrument de choix pour l exploration de ce… … Wikipédia en Français
ultrastructure — noun Date: 1939 biological structure and especially fine structure (as of a cell) not visible through an ordinary microscope • ultrastructural adjective • ultrastructurally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
ultrastructure — n. [L. ultra, beyond; struere, to construct] The fine structure of cells seen with an ultramicroscope or an electron microscope … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ultrastructure — General term to describe the level of organization that is below the level of resolution of the light microscope. In practice, a shorthand term for ‘structure observed using the electron microscope’, although other techniques could give… … Dictionary of molecular biology
ultrastructure — noun The fine, detailed structure of a biological specimen that can only be observed by electron microscopy See Also: superstructure, hyperstructure, substructure, infrastructure … Wiktionary
ultrastructure — Structures or particles seen with the electron microscope. SYN: fine structure. * * * ul·tra·struc·ture əl trə .strək chər n biological structure and esp. fine structure (as of a cell) not visible through a light microscope ul·tra·struc·tur·al… … Medical dictionary