Also, uhf.

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abbreviation  of Ultrahigh Frequency,  

      conventionally defined portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, encompassing radiations having a wavelength between 0.1 and 1 m and a frequency between 3,000 and 300 megahertz. UHF signals are used extensively in televison broadcasting. UHF waves typically carry televison signals on channels 14 through 83.

      UHF waves are very weakly reflected by the ionized layers of the upper atmosphere. Therefore, unlike longer waves, they bend very little around the curvature of the Earth and are easily obstructed by tall buildings and mountains. They can, however, be concentrated into narrow, highly directional signal beams. These characteristics make UHF suitable for line-of-sight applications that require high accuracy. Besides their use in television broadcasting, UHF waves are utilized in ship and aircraft navigation systems and for certain types of police communications. In some instances, radio communications between spacecraft and Earth-based tracking stations are carried via UHF signals. See also VHF.

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Universalium. 2010.

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