
/tuy"reuh seen', -sin, tir"euh-/, n. Biochem.
a crystalline amino acid, HOC6H4CH2CH(NH2)COOH, abundant in ripe cheese, that acts as a precursor of norepinephrine and dopamine. Abbr.: Tyr; Symbol: Y
[1855-60; < Gk tyrós cheese + -INE2]

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One of the amino acids, not essential for humans unless they have the hereditary disorder phenylketonuria.

It is the biochemical precursor of many important catecholamines. It is found in small amounts in most proteins, especially insulin and papain (found in papaya). It is used in biochemical research and as a dietary supplement.

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      an amino acid comprising about 1 to 6 percent by weight of the mixture obtained by hydrolysis of most proteins. First isolated from casein (1849), tyrosine is particularly abundant in insulin (a hormone) and papain (an enzyme found in fruit of the papaya), which contain 13 percent by weight. Tyrosine is one of several so-called essential amino acids for certain animals; i.e., they cannot synthesize it and require dietary sources. Other species can, however, convert phenylalanine, also an essential amino acid for fowl and mammals, to tyrosine whenever necessary for protein synthesis.

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