
Tusculan, adj.
/tus"kyeuh leuhm/, n.
an ancient city of Latium, SE of Rome: Roman villas, esp. that of Cicero.

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Ancient town, Latium, Italy.

Located near Rome, it was a Latin settlement as early as the 1st millennium BC and probably was under the influence of the Etruscans. It was a favourite resort of wealthy Romans (1st century BC4th century AD), and it was the home of orator Marcus Tullius Cicero. Tourist attractions include a Roman forum, a 2nd-century amphitheatre, and a medieval castle.

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ancient city, Italy
      ancient Italic city (modern Frascati) in Latium, 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Rome, a favourite resort of wealthy Romans under the late republic and the empire (1st century BC4th century AD). Tusculum was a Latin settlement during the early Iron Age (early 1st millennium BC) and was probably under Etruscan influence. According to Roman tradition, Octavius Mamilius of Tusculum, son-in-law of the last Roman king, organized a league of 30 Latin cities against Rome in the late 5th century BC, but he was defeated and killed in a battle at Lake Regillus in about 496, which established Roman supremacy over the Latins. Thereafter, Tusculum usually was Rome's loyal ally in wars against Aequi, Volsci, Gauls, and, most famously, the Carthaginians led by Hannibal. In 381 BC Tusculum became the first Latin city to obtain Roman citizenship, but it did join other Latin cities in the revolt of 340 BC. Tusculum held the status of municipium (a community that exercised partial rights of Roman citizenship) during the late republican and early imperial periods. Marcus Porcius Cato, “the Censor” (234149 BC), was born in Tusculum.

      The Roman writer Cicero (Cicero, Marcus Tullius) had a villa near Tusculum in the 1st century BC and composed several philosophical works, including Tusculanae disputationes (“Conversations at Tusculum”), there. In the early medieval period, Tusculum was an important stronghold, and its counts were influential at Rome. The Romans finally destroyed it during a war in 1191.

      The remains of ancient Tusculum include a forum, an amphitheatre of the 2nd century AD, and a complex of buildings wrongly known as the villa of Cicero. The highest point of the city was its citadel, on which are the remains of a medieval castle.

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