
tularemic, tularaemic, adj.
/tooh'leuh ree"mee euh/, n. Pathol., Vet. Pathol.
a plaguelike disease of rabbits, squirrels, etc., caused by a bacterium, Francisella tularensis, transmitted to humans by insects or ticks or by the handling of infected animals and causing fever, muscle pain, and symptoms associated with the point of entry into the body.
Also, tularaemia. Also called deer fly fever, rabbit fever.
[1920-25, Amer.; Tulare, California county where first found + -EMIA]

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 acute infectious disease resembling plague, but much less severe. It was described in 1911 among ground squirrels in Tulare county, California (from which the name is derived), and was first reported in humans in the United States in 1914. The causative agent is the gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis. The disease is primarily one of animals; human infections are incidental. It occurs naturally in many types of wildlife. In the United States the rabbit, especially the cottontail (Sylvilagus), is an important source of human infection, but other mammals, birds, and insects also spread the disease. Human cases in Sweden and Norway have been transmitted by hares; in the Soviet Union, by water rats (water rat). F. tularensis has been found in some natural water sources, causing incidences of the disease in humans and animals. Tularemia can be spread to humans by the bite of an infected animal, by contact with blood or fine dust from the animal's body during skinning or similar operations, by the ingestion of infected animal products that have not been properly cooked, or by the bite of an insect, most commonly a deerfly, Chrysops discalis (the human disease is also called deerfly fever). Various ticks of the genera Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Amblyomma, and Ixodes may be largely responsible for maintenance of the animal infection. In addition, the infection is transmitted from the adult tick to the egg, and both larvae and nymphs are infectious and form an insect reservoir of infection. No case of human-to-human contamination has been reported.

      The most common form of the disease in humans is the ulceroglandular form, in which there is a painful sore at the site of the infection and a swelling of the lymph node that drains the area; the sore is often on the finger and the swelling, or bubo, in the armpit. The bubo can break down and discharge pus, but it sometimes remains hard and tender for weeks. Along with these local signs, the infected person has a fever that may persist for two or three weeks, with headache, vomiting, body pains, and general weakness. Infection of the eye is also common, with swelling of related lymph glands. The fatality rate is very low. Approximately 200 cases of the disease are reported each year in the United States, and the disease has been encountered in all parts of the country except Hawaii, although it is most common in the south-central or western states. Tularemia also occurs in a typhoidal form marked by an exhausting, or feverish, illness and a pneumonic form caused by inhalation of dust contaminated by F. tularensis. Mortality is sometimes as high as 5 to 7 percent in the typhoidal and pneumonic forms.

      The tetracyclines are reasonably effective in treating the disease; gentamicin and streptomycin are the most effective antibiotics, and healing usually takes place within 10 days. A live attenuated vaccine has been generally successful in conferring immunity on susceptible hosts, although its use is usually limited to persons at high risk.

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