
/trot"skee iz'euhm/, n.
the form of Communism advocated by Leon Trotsky, based on an immediate, worldwide revolution by the proletariat.
[1920-25; TROTSKY + -ISM]

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Marxist ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution first expounded by Leon Trotsky.

Trotsky believed that because all national economic development was affected by the laws of the world market, a revolution depended on revolutions in other countries for permanent success, a position that put him at odds with Joseph Stalin's "socialism in one country." After Trotsky's exile in 1929, Trotskyists continued to attack the Soviet bureaucracy as "Bonapartist" (based on the dictatorship of one man). In the 1930s Trotskyists advocated a united front with trade unions against fascism. After Trotsky's murder (1940), Trotskyism became a generic term for various revolutionary doctrines that opposed the Soviet form of communism. See also Leninism, Marxism, Stalinism.

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 a Marxist ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution first expounded by Leon Trotsky (Trotsky, Leon) (18791940), one of the leading theoreticians of the Russian Bolshevik Party and a leader in the Russian Revolution. Trotskyism was to become the primary theoretical target of Stalinism (q.v.) in Russian Communist circles in the 1920s and 1930s.

      Trotsky's theory ofpermanent revolutionheld that, historically, an economic system had to be seen as a world system rather than a national one. All national economic development was affected by the laws of the world market, even though such regional factors as location, population, available resources, and pressure from surrounding countries made the rate of development different in each country. Thus, in Trotsky's view, the Russian Revolution, to be permanently successful, would have to depend on revolutions in other countries, particularly in western Europe. His theory also emphasized the hegemony of the working class over the revolutionary class because of their strategic position in industry and other advanced sectors of the economy.

      Counterposed to Trotsky's ideas of permanent revolution wasSocialism in one country,” an attitude of national self-sufficiency and self-centredness that became Stalin's watchword in 1924. It declared a world economic system as a combination of national systems, so that Socialism could be built in any single country without dependence on other revolutions.

      The development of the Soviet Union's productive forces was controlled by the Communist Party, which in the 1920s was becoming increasingly bureaucratized. Trotsky in 1924 launched an attack on the bureaucracy, the so-called Bolshevik Old Guard. He called for more democracy outside and within the party, which meant more dependence on the rank and file workers at their plants and within the party cells. He opposed the conception of a monolithic party and called for more freedom for various trends of thought as long as they adhered generally to the party program.

      Stalin (Stalin, Joseph), after consolidating his power, exiled Trotsky and other opponents in 1929. Thereafter, Trotskyists intensified their attack on the Soviet bureaucracycalling itBonapartist,” meaning a rule based on the dictatorship of one manand developed the concept of adegenerated workers' state,” a state in which the means of production have been nationalized but in which a bureaucratic regime rules.

      With the rise of Fascism in Germany in the early 1930s and the subordination of the Comintern (see International, Third) to Stalin, Trotskyists advocated aunited frontwith the trade unions to fight Fascism and the development of a Trotskyist Fourth International (see International, Fourth) to replace the Comintern.

      After Trotsky's murder in Mexico in 1940 by Stalin's agent Ramón Mercader, a small Trotskyist movement continued to exist. However, Trotskyism has since become a loose generic term for extreme revolutionary doctrines of various kinds, whose advocates are united only in their opposition to thebourgeoisSoviet form of Communist rule.

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