
trivially, adv.
/triv"ee euhl/, adj.
1. of very little importance or value; insignificant: Don't bother me with trivial matters.
2. commonplace; ordinary.
3. Biol. (of names of organisms) specific, as distinguished from generic.
4. Math.
a. noting a solution of an equation in which the value of every variable of the equation is equal to zero.
b. (of a theorem, proof, or the like) simple, transparent, or immediately evident.
5. Chem. (of names of chemical compounds) derived from the natural source, or of historic origin, and not according to the systematic nomenclature: Picric acid is the trivial name of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol.
[1400-50; late ME < L trivialis belonging to the crossroads or street corner, hence commonplace, equiv. to tri- TRI- + vi(a) road + -alis -AL1]
Syn. 1. unimportant, nugatory, slight, immaterial, inconsequential, frivolous, trifling. See petty.
Ant. 1. important.

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  • trivial — trivial, iale, iaux [ trivjal, jo ] adj. • 1545 « commun, sans distinction »; lat. trivialis « commun, banal », proprt « de carrefour », de trivium « carrefour de trois voies » 1 ♦ Vieilli ou littér. Qui est devenu ordinaire, plat et commun. «… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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