
transparently, adv.transparentness, n.
/trans pair"euhnt, -par"-/, adj.
1. having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
2. admitting the passage of light through interstices.
3. so sheer as to permit light to pass through; diaphanous.
4. easily seen through, recognized, or detected: transparent excuses.
5. manifest; obvious: a story with a transparent plot.
6. open; frank; candid: the man's transparent earnestness.
7. Computers. (of a process or software) operating in such a way as to not be perceived by users.
8. Obs. shining through, as light.
[1375-1425; late ME < ML transparent- (s. of transparens) showing through (prp. of transparere), equiv. to L trans- TRANS- + parent- (s. of parens), prp. of parere to appear; see APPARENT]
Syn. 1. clear, pellucid, limpid, crystalline. TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT agree in describing material that light rays can pass through. That which is TRANSPARENT allows objects to be seen clearly through it: Clear water is transparent. That which is TRANSLUCENT allows light to pass through, diffusing it, however, so that objects beyond are not distinctly seen: Ground glass is translucent.
Ant. 1. opaque. 6. secretive.

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Universalium. 2010.

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