Transgender — (IPAEng|trænzˈdʒɛndɚ, from (Latin) derivatives [ trans … Wikipedia
Transgender — Symbol Transgender (lat. trans „jenseitig“, „darüber hinaus“ und engl. gender „soziales Geschlecht“) ist ein Begriff für Abweichungen von der zugewiesenen sozialen Geschl … Deutsch Wikipedia
transgender — The state of a person s gender identity (self identification as male or female) not matching their assigned sex at birth. (See also: transsexual) Category: Divorce & Family Law → Lesbian & Gay Couples Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N … Law dictionary
transgender — (adj.) by 1988, from TRANS (Cf. trans ) + GENDER (Cf. gender). Related: Transgendered … Etymology dictionary
transgender — UK [trænsˈdʒendə(r)] / US [trænsˈdʒendər] or transgendered UK [trænsˈdʒendə(r)d] / US [trænsˈdʒendərd] adjective relating to transsexuals … English dictionary
transgender — [trans jen′dər, tranzjen′dər] adj. of or being a person, as a transsexual or hermaphrodite, whose sexuality is not readily characterized as exclusively male or female: also transgendered … English World dictionary
transgender — [[t]træ̱nzʤe̱ndə(r)[/t]] transgenders N COUNT Transgender people, such as transsexuals, do not have a straightforward gender identity. Karen said she is a transgender a man who wants to be a woman and is attracted to women. ...a three year… … English dictionary
transgender — 1. adjective /tɹanzˈdʒɛndə/ Pertaining to someone who does not identify with conventional categories of male or female, but combines elements of both or moves between the two; sometimes used as a general, inclusive term, and sometimes as… … Wiktionary
transgender — trans|gen|der [trænzˈdʒendə US trænsˈdʒendər] n [U] a general word for people who feel that they belong to the other sex, and not the sex they were born with, and who express this in their sexual behaviour →↑transsexual ▪ the transgender… … Dictionary of contemporary English
transgender — soc trans•gen•der [[t]trænsˈdʒɛn dər, trænz [/t]] n. 1) a person appearing or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, as a transsexual or habitual cross dresser 2) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of transgenders: the transgender… … From formal English to slang