
/town/, n.
Ithiel /ith"ee euhl/, 1784-1844, U.S. architect.

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(as used in expressions)

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Town — Town, Towns, Towne y Townes pueden referirse a: El término inglés para ciudad (las formas towne y townes son arcaísmos), aunque puede referirse a cualquier otro rango de población, como villa, pueblo (en este caso, indicando el núcleo central en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • town — W1S1 [taun] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(place)¦ 2¦(main centre)¦ 3¦(people)¦ 4¦(where you live)¦ 5¦(village)¦ 6¦(not country)¦ 7 go to town (on something) 8 (out) on the town 9 town and gown ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • town — [ taun ] noun *** 1. ) count a place where people live and work that is smaller than a city: a small town an industrial town in China Mountains overlook the town on three sides. a town on the Mississippi River town of: the northern Wisconsin town …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Town — Town, n. [OE. toun, tun, AS. tun inclosure, fence, village, town; akin to D. tuin a garden, G. zaun a hadge, fence, OHG. zun, Icel. tun an inclosure, homestead, house, Ir. & Gael. dun a fortress, W. din. Cf. {Down}, adv. & prep., {Dune}, {tine}… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • town — [toun] n. [ME < OE tun, enclosed space, group of houses, village, town; akin to Ger zaun, fence, hedge, OIr dūn, fortified camp] 1. [Brit. Dial.] a group of houses; hamlet 2. a more or less concentrated group of houses and private and public… …   English World dictionary

  • town — (n.) O.E. tun enclosure, garden, field, yard; farm, manor; homestead, dwelling house, mansion; later group of houses, village, farm, from P.Gmc. *tunaz, *tunan (Cf. O.S., O.N., O.Fris. tun fence, hedge, M.Du. tuun fence, Du. tuin garden, O.H.G.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • town — ► NOUN 1) a settlement larger than a village and generally smaller than a city, with defined boundaries and local government. 2) the central part of a town or city, with its business or shopping area. 3) densely populated areas, especially as… …   English terms dictionary

  • Town — steht für: Stadt, im Englischen allgemein Town (Vereinigte Staaten), Siedlungsformen und Rechtseinheiten Town ist der Familienname von folgenden Personen: Harold Town (1924–1990), kanadischer Maler und Grafiker Siehe auch: Bell Town …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • town — index civic, community Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 town …   Law dictionary

  • Town —   [taʊn] die, / s,    1) im englischen Sprachgebrauch allgemeine Bezeichnung für kleinere Stadt.    2) Township [ ʃɪp], in den USA eine auf englischen Rechtstraditionen (Borough) beruhende, seit dem 17. Jahrhundert für Neuengland typische, später …   Universal-Lexikon

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