
/toohl/, n.
a fortress town in NE France, on the Moselle: siege 1870. 16,832.

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      town, Meurthe-et-Moselle département, Lorraine région, northeastern France. It lies between the left bank of the Moselle River and the Marne au Rhin Canal, 12 miles (19 km) west of Nancy.

      Once named Tullum and originally the capital of the Leuci tribe in the Belgic Confederation, the town acquired importance under the Romans. Toul was evangelized in the 4th century. The bishops of Toul were sovereign counts in the 10th century; the town became linked with Verdun, Metz, and their domains to form the Trois-Évêchés territory. In 1545 it placed itself under French protection and later became part of the kingdom of France. Toul lost its bishopric late in the 18th century but gained increasing importance as a garrison town. Its fortifications, rebuilt by the military engineer Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban in 1700, were strengthened after the Franco-German War of 1870.

      The former fortress town was rebuilt after World War II, during which whole sections were devastated by fire. Notable churches have survived, including the restored cathedral of Saint-Étienne, dating from the 13th century, and the 13th14th-century church of Saint-Genoult.

      Porcelain has been traditionally manufactured in Toul. Other industries include printing and metalworking. Toul is an administrative centre, and its economy has merged with that of the adjacent town of Nancy. Pop. (1999) 16,945; (2005 est.) 16,300.

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