
/tawr tee"euh/; Sp. /tawrdd tee"yah/, n., pl. tortillas /-tee"euhz/; Sp. /-tee"yahs/. Mexican Cookery.
a thin, round, unleavened bread prepared from cornmeal or sometimes wheat flour, baked on a flat plate of iron, earthenware, or the like.
[1690-1700; < Sp, equiv. to tort(a) cake (see TORTE) + -illa dim. suffix < L -ella]

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      round, thin, flat bread of Mexico made from unleavened cornmeal (corn) or, less commonly, wheat flour. Traditionally the corn (maize) for tortillas was boiled with unslaked lime to soften the kernels and loosen the hulls. (This lime was the principal source of calcium in the Mexican diet.) The grains were ground on a stone saddle quern, or metate. Small pieces of dough were patted by hand into thin disks, a task requiring considerable dexterity. The tortilla was then baked on a comal, a griddle of earthenware or iron. Today most tortillas are purchased at tortillerías, where the dough is mixed by machine, stamped into disks, and passed by conveyer belt over a flame. Tortillas stale quickly and are usually bought fresh daily or even for each meal.

      Tortillas accompany most Mexican dishes. They can be used to scoop up sauced or stewed dishes and are sometimes cut into pieces and fried crisp for this use. As tacos, tortillas are folded around a filling of meat, beans, or cheese and a piquant sauce. Enchiladas are tortillas rolled or folded around a filling and baked under a sauce. Crisply fried tortillas topped with meat, beans, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes form tostadas.

      Wheat-flour tortillas rolled around a filling of beans and meat or cheese form burritos. Sopes, chalupas, quesadillas, and panuchos are all formed of tortilla dough molded into various shapes to hold a savoury filling.

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  • Tortilla — Tor*til la, n. [Sp.] An unleavened cake, as of maize flour, baked on a heated iron or stone. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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