
/taw"rddaw/, n., pl. toros /-rddaws/. Spanish.
a bull.

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      town, Zamora provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Castile-León in northwestern Spain. It lies along the north bank of the Duero (Portuguese: Douro) River, 18 miles (29 km) east of Zamora city. Dating from Roman times, the town served as the meeting place for the Cortes (parliament) of 1371, 1442, and 1505, which made Toro and its code of laws famous. Nearby was fought the Battle of Toro (1476) between the forces of the monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella and those of Alfonso V of Portugal, which secured the crown of Castile for Isabella. Notable buildings include the 12th-century (partially restored) Romanesque Collegiate church and the 18th-century Casa Consistorial, outside which stands a statue of an Iberian bull (el toro, whence the town's name). An agricultural trade centre, Toro is known for its red wine with a high alcoholic content. Pop. (2007 est.) mun., 9,738.

also spelled  Tooro,  also called  Batoro 

      an interlacustrine Bantu-speaking people who inhabit a high plateau between Lakes Albert and Edward that is bounded on the west by the Ruwenzori Range in southwestern Uganda. Toro lands include rainforest, dense bamboo stands, papyrus swamps, plains of elephant grass, and the shores of Lakes Albert and Edward.

      The Toro believe that legendary Tembuzi kings created the earliest centralized political organization in the area and that these people were succeeded by the Cwezi and then by the Bitoa Nilotic people who had come from the north. Led by Prince Kaboyo, the Toro seceded from the Bito-ruled Bunyoro kingdom (Bunyoro) about 1830. Royal regalia were received from the Bunyoro rulers, and, as Kaboyo consolidated and extended his kingdom, he gained Bito support. In the late 1880s the Bunyoro king Kabarega temporarily reconquered the Toro. A Toro prince escaped and was restored to the Toro throne by British colonizers in the 1890s in exchange for loyalty, taxation, and the cession of forest and mineral rights to British concerns. During colonial times, the Toro kingdom was a subordinate, African local government. The Toro kingdom, along with all the other kingdoms in newly independent Uganda, was abolished by the Ugandan central government in 1966.

      The Toro live in settlements occupying demarcated lands; different clans are found in each. Most Toro families are monogamous and households small. Descent is patrilineal, and named lineages within a clan are not hierarchically organized. Lineage heads arefatherly adviserswho settle disputes; in former times they also maintained contact with the king.

      The Toro kingdom had a cattle-owning class, the Hima, while most Toro, called Iru, were small-scale farmers. The Toro social organization is strongly stratified; the formerly pastoralist Bito as well as the Hima claim greater privileges and wealth than the Iru. Millet, plantains, cassava, and yams are grown, while wheat, cotton, and coffee are raised as cash crops; fish are traded as well. Toro also received tax benefits from the Kilembe copper mines. Queen Elizabeth National Park, in Toro lands on the south, has significant numbers of many species, including elephants, hippopotamuses, and Ugandan kob (a variety of antelope). The Toro numbered about 700,000 at the beginning of the 21st century.

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