- to
1. (used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from): They came to the house.2. (used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward: from north to south.3. (used for expressing limit of movement or extension): He grew to six feet.4. (used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon: a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface.5. (used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until: to this day; It is ten minutes to six. We work from nine to five.7. (used for expressing destination or appointed end): sentenced to jail.8. (used for expressing agency, result, or consequence): to my dismay; The flowers opened to the sun.9. (used for expressing a resulting state or condition): He tore it to pieces.10. (used for expressing the object of inclination or desire): They drank to her health.11. (used for expressing the object of a right or claim): claimants to an estate.12. (used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount): wet to the skin; goods amounting to $1000; Tomorrow's high will be 75 to 80°.13. (used for expressing addition or accompaniment) with: He added insult to injury. They danced to the music. Where is the top to this box?14. (used for expressing attachment or adherence): She held to her opinion.15. (used for expressing comparison or opposition): inferior to last year's crop; The score is eight to seven.16. (used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by: a position to one's liking; to the best of my knowledge.18. (used for expressing a relative position): parallel to the roof.19. (used for expressing a proportion of number or quantity) in; making up: 12 to the dozen; 20 miles to the gallon.20. (used for indicating the indirect object of a verb, for connecting a verb with its complement, or for indicating or limiting the application of an adjective, noun, or pronoun): Give it to me. I refer to your work.21. (used as the ordinary sign or accompaniment of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose, in ordinary uses with a substantive object.)22. Math. raised to the power indicated: Three to the fourth is 81 (34 = 81).adv.23. toward a point, person, place, or thing, implied or understood.24. toward a contact point or closed position: Pull the door to.25. toward a matter, action, or work: We turned to with a will.26. into a state of consciousness; out of unconsciousness: after he came to.[bef. 900; ME, OE to; c. D te, toe, G zu]
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Universalium. 2010.