- tintinnabular
/tin'ti nab"yeuh leuhr/, adj.of or pertaining to bells or bell ringing.[1760-70; < L tintinnabul(um) bell (tintinna(re) to ring + -bulum instrumental suffix) + -AR1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Tintinnabular — Tin tin*nab u*lar, Tintinnabulary Tin tin*nab u*la*ry, a. [L. tintinnabulum a little bell, fr. tintinnare to ring, to jingle, tinnire to jingle.] Having or making the sound of a bell; tinkling. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tintinnabular — adjective Describing a ringing or sounding of bells. , The church bells were tintinnabular … Wiktionary
tintinnabular — tin·tin·nab·u·lar … English syllables
tintinnabular — /tɪntəˈnæbjələ/ (say tintuh nabyuhluh) adjective of or relating to bells or bellringing. Also, tintinnabulary, tintinnabulous. {Latin tintinnābulum bell + ar1} …
tintinnabular — |tintə|nabyələ(r) adjective Etymology: Latin tintinnabulum bell + English ar : tintinnabulary … Useful english dictionary
Tintinnabulary — Tintinnabular Tin tin*nab u*lar, Tintinnabulary Tin tin*nab u*la*ry, a. [L. tintinnabulum a little bell, fr. tintinnare to ring, to jingle, tinnire to jingle.] Having or making the sound of a bell; tinkling. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiegel im Spiegel — is a piece of music written by Arvo Pärt in 1978, just prior to his departure from Estonia. The piece is in the tintinnabular style of composition, wherein a melodic voice (which operates over diatonic scales) and tintinnabular voice (which… … Wikipedia
Tintinnabuli — For other uses, see Tintinnabulum (disambiguation). Tintinnabuli (singular. tintinnabulum) (from the Latin tintinnabulum, a bell) is a compositional style created by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. Pärt first introduced this new style in two… … Wikipedia
Magnificat (Pärt) — Magnificat was composed in 1989 by Arvo Pärt. A setting of the Latin Magnificat text, it is in tintinnabuli style, which was invented by Pärt in the mid 1970s. It is scored a cappella for mixed choir: soprano solo, sopranos I and II, alto, and… … Wikipedia
Tintinnabula — Tintinnabulum Tin tin*nab u*lum, n.; pl. {Tintinnabula}. [L., a bell. See {Tintinnabular}.] A bell; also, a set or combination of bells or metal plates used as a musical instrument or as a toy. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English