
/thuy ris"teuhr/, n. Electronics.
a semiconductor device having two stable states, used as an electronic switch.

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      any of several types of transistors (transistor) having four semiconducting layers and therefore three junctions (p-n junction); the thyristor is a solid-state analogue of the thyratron vacuum tube (electron tube), and its name derives from the combination of the two words thyratron and transistor. A common form of thyristor is the silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) and widely used as a component of devices that control motor speeds, liquid levels, temperatures, and pressures.

      Thyristors constitute a family of semiconductor devices that exhibit bistable characteristics and can be switched between a high-resistance, low-currentoffstate and a low-resistance, high-currentonstate. The operation of thyristors is intimately related to the bipolar transistor, in which both electrons and holes are involved in the conduction process (see semiconductor: Electronic properties (semiconductor)). Because of their two stable states (on and off) and low power dissipations in these states, thyristors are used in applications ranging from speed control in home appliances to switching and power conversion in high-voltage transmission lines. More than 40,000 types of thyristors are available, with current ratings from a few milliamperes to more than 5,000 amperes and voltage ratings extending to 900,000 volts.

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