
/tuym/; spelling pron. /thuym/, n.
any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Thymus, of the mint family, including the common garden herb T. vulgaris, a low subshrub having narrow, aromatic leaves used for seasoning.
[1350-1400; ME < L thymum < Gk thýmon]

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Pungent herb (Thymus vulgaris) of the mint family, native to southern Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, and Central Asia, and cultivated in North America.

A small, low-growing shrub, it has small, curled leaves that give off a fragrant odour when crushed. The dried leaves and flowering tops are used to flavour a wide range of foods. Bees are fond of thyme, and Sicily's thyme honey has been famous for centuries. The essential oil has antiseptic and anesthetic properties and is used as an internal medicine; it is also used in perfumes and toothpastes.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Walter Chandoha

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 (Thymus vulgaris), pungent herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae, or Labiatae), the dried leaves and flowering tops of which are used to flavour a wide range of foods, including poultry, stuffings, fish, eggs, meats, butter, sauces, soups, sausages, salads, vegetables, cottage and cream cheeses, fresh tomatoes, and pastas. It is one of the herbs used to flavour Benedictine liqueur. Thyme is a characteristic seasoning in the traditional English dish jugged hare. Bees are fond of thyme, and thyme honey of Sicily has been famous for hundreds of years. In ancient Greek temples, thyme was burned as incense. Pliny the Elder referred to it as a fumigant.

      The plant is a small, low-growing shrub with curled leaves. Thyme is native to southern Europe, the Mediterranean region, Asia Minor, and Central Asia and is also cultivated in North America. Dried thyme leaves are greenish brown in colour and have a fragrant odour when crushed. The taste is warm and pungent.

      Thyme contains about 1 percent essential oil, the principal component of which is thymol, or thyme camphor. Thymol is used in the manufacture of perfumes and dentifrices. It has antiseptic and anesthetic properties and is used as an internal medicine.

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