- Thursday
/therrz"day, -dee/, n.[bef. 950; ME; OE Thursdaeg < ODan Thursdagr lit., Thor's day; r. OE Thunres daeg; c. D donderdag, G Donnerstag (all repr. Gmc trans. of LL dies Jovis). See THOR, THUNDER, DAY]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Thursday — is the fourth day of the week in most western countries and the fourth day of the week in the Judeo Christian calendar, falling between Wednesday and Friday. In countries that adopt the Sunday first convention, it is considered the fifth day of… … Wikipedia
Thursday — Основная информация … Википедия
Thursday — live in New York (2004) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thursday — Thurs day, n. [OE. [thorn]ursdei, [thorn]orsday, from the Scand. name Thor + E. day. Icel. [thorn][=o]rr Thor, the god of thunder, is akin to AS. [thorn]unor thunder; D. Donderdag Thursday, G. Donnerstag, Icel. [thorn][=o]rsdagr, Sw. & Dan.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thursday — O.E. Þurresdæg, perhaps a contraction (influenced by O.N. Þorsdagr) of Þunresdæg, lit. Thor s day, from Þunre, gen. of Þunor Thor (see THOR (Cf. Thor)); from P.Gmc. *thonaras daga (Cf. O.Fris. thunresdei, M.Du. donresdach, Du. donderdag, O.H … Etymology dictionary
Thursday — (engl., spr. Shorrsdeh), der Donnerstag … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Thursday [1] — Thursday (engl., spr. thörrsdè), Donnerstag … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Thursday [2] — Thursday (spr. thörrsdĕ), eine der zum britisch austral. Staate Queensland gehörigen Prince of Wales Inseln, in der Torresstraße. Der Hafen Port Kennedy ist Sitz eines Residenten der Regierung und eines Bischofs, hat Gerichtsgebäude, Zollhaus,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Thursday — es una banda estadounidense considerada Post Hardcore conformada por 4 integrantes, también considerados exponentes del emo core, se formaron en New Brunswick, New Jersey en 1997, poco mas tarde lanzaron su álbum debut y salieron de tour… … Enciclopedia Universal
Thursday — see Friday … Modern English usage
Thursday — ► NOUN ▪ the day of the week before Friday and following Wednesday. ORIGIN Old English, «day of thunder» (named after the Germanic thunder god Thor), translation of Latin Jovis dies day of Jupiter … English terms dictionary