- thumb
—thumbless, adj. —thumblike, adj./thum/, n.1. the short, thick, inner digit of the human hand, next to the forefinger.2. the corresponding digit in other animals; pollex.3. the part of a glove or mitten for containing this digit.4. Archit. an ovolo or echinus molding.5. all thumbs, awkward; clumsy; bungling: The visitor almost knocked over a vase and seemed to be all thumbs.6. thumbs down, a gesture or expression of dissent or disapproval: We turned thumbs down to that suggestion.7. thumbs up, a gesture or expression of assent or approval.8. under one's thumb, under the power or influence of; subordinate to. Also, under the thumb of.v.t.9. to soil or wear with the thumbs in handling, as the pages of a book.11. to play (a guitar or other instrument) with or as with the thumbs.12. (of a hitchhiker) to solicit or get (a ride) by pointing the thumb in the desired direction of travel.13. thumb one's nose,a. to put one's thumb to one's nose and extend the fingers as a crudely defiant or contemptuous gesture.b. to express defiance or contempt; dismiss or reject contemptuously.[bef. 900; ME; OE thuma; c. D duim, OS, OHG dumo (G Daumen), ON thumall; akin to L tumere to swell (TUMOR)]
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▪ anatomyshort, thick first digit of the human hand and of the lower-primate hand and foot. It differs from other digits in having only two phalanges (tubular bones of the fingers and toes). The thumb also differs in having much freedom of movement and being opposable to tips of other digits. The corresponding first digit (most medial digit) in other vertebrates is also called the thumb, especially if it has some manipulative or special ability (e.g., in the raccoon and the bat).* * *
Universalium. 2010.