- thigmotaxis
/thig'meuh tak"sis/, n. Biol.movement of an organism toward or away from any object that provides a mechanical stimulus.[1895-1900; < Gk thígm(a) touch + -o- + -TAXIS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Thigmotaxis — Thig mo*tax is, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? touch + ? an arranging.] (Physiol.) The property possessed by living protoplasm of contracting, and thus moving, when touched by a solid or fluid substance. Note: When the movement is away from the touching body … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thigmotaxis — [thig΄mə tak′sis] n. [ModL < Gr thigma, touch < thinganein, to touch with the hand (< IE base * dheiĝh , to knead > DOUGH) + taxis, TAXIS] STEREOTAXIS thigmotactic [thig΄mōtak′tik] adj … English World dictionary
thigmotaxis — n.; pl. taxes [Gr. thigma, touch; taxis, arrangement] The taxis of contact; stereotaxis. a. Positive thigmotaxis: toward the contact. b. Negative thigmotaxis: away from the contact; thigmotactic adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
thigmotaxis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek thigma touch (from thinganein to touch) + New Latin taxis; akin to Latin fingere to shape more at dough Date: circa 1900 a taxis in which contact especially with a solid body is the directive factor … New Collegiate Dictionary
thigmotaxis — orientation by tactile sense. Fish are often negatively thigmotaxic, avoiding touching each other or solid objects, although many are positively thigmotaxic, hiding under rocks or among plants for example … Dictionary of ichthyology
thigmotaxis — noun The movement of an organism either towards or away from the stimulus of physical contact … Wiktionary
thigmotaxis — A form of barotaxis; denoting the reaction of plant or animal protoplasm to contact with a solid body. Cf.:thigmotropism. [G. thigma, touch, + taxis, orderly arrangement] * * * thig·mo·tax·is .thig mə tak səs … Medical dictionary
Thigmotaxis — Thig|mo|tạ|xis 〈f.; , tạ|xen; Biol.〉 Bewegung nach Berührungsreiz [<grch. thigganein „berühren, anrühren, anfassen, verletzen“ + taxis „Ordnung, Stellung, Platz“] * * * Thigmotạxis [zu griechisch thígma »Berührung« und táxis »Anordnung«]… … Universal-Lexikon
Thigmotaxis — Thig|mo|tạ|xis 〈f.; Gen.: , Pl.: tạ|xen; Bot.〉 durch Berührung ausgelöste Taxie [Etym.: <grch. thigma »Berührung« (zu thigganein »berühren, anfassen, verletzen«) + Taxis] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Thigmotaxis — Thig|mo|tạxis [gr. ϑιγμα = Berührung u. gr. ταξις = Ordnung; Anordnung; Aufstellung] w; , ...xen: durch Berührungsreize ausgelöste Orientierungsbewegung lebenden Gewebes … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke