
/thuy"euh zohl'/, n. Chem.
1. a colorless, slightly water-miscible liquid, C3H3NS, having a disagreeable odor.
2. any of various derivatives of this substance, used as dyes or reagents.
[1885-90; THI- + AZOLE]

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      any of a class of organic compounds of the heterocyclic series characterized by a ring structure composed of three carbon atoms, one nitrogen atom, and one sulfur atom. This ring structure occurs in such important biologically active natural products as thiamine (vitamin B1), bacitracin, and the penicillins, and in numerous synthetic drugs, dyes, and industrial chemicals.

      The simplest member of the thiazole family is thiazole itself, a rarely prepared liquid with the molecular formula C3H3NS. Other thiazole compounds include rhodanine and the dye rhodanine red derived from it, and the yellow dye primuline. Synthetic drugs belonging to the thiazole family include sulfathiazole, sulfasuxidine, and thiazolsulfone (Promizole). 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (Mertax) is a thiazole derivative used for accelerating the vulcanization of rubber.

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Universalium. 2010.

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