
thermoclinal, adj.
/therr"meuh kluyn'/, n.
a layer of water in an ocean or certain lakes, where the temperature gradient is greater than that of the warmer layer above and the colder layer below. Cf. epilimnion, hypolimnion.
[1895-1900; THERMO- + Gk klíne bed]

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      oceanic water layer in which water temperature decreases rapidly with increasing depth. A widespread permanent thermocline exists beneath the relatively warm, well-mixed surface layer, from depths of about 200 m (660 feet) to about 1,000 m (3,000 feet), in which interval temperatures diminish steadily. The deep waters below the thermocline layer decrease in temperature much more gradually toward the seafloor. In latitudes marked by distinct seasons, a seasonal thermocline at much shallower depths forms during the summer as a result of solar heating, and it is destroyed by diminished insolation and increased surface turbulence during the winter. Water density is governed by temperature and salinity; consequently, the thermocline coincides generally with the pycnocline, or layer in which density increases rapidly with depth. The middle layer of water in a lake or reservoir during the summer is also called a thermocline.

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  • thermocline — [ tɛrmoklin ] n. f. • 1964; de thermo et gr. klinein « incliner » ♦ Géophys. Couche d eau marine à fort gradient vertical de température, entre l eau chaude de surface et l eau froide des fonds. ● thermocline nom féminin Couche d eau marine ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • thermocline — noun A layer within a body of water or air where the temperature changes rapidly with depth …   Wiktionary

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