
/thee"euh bawld'/, n. Lewis
1. 1688-1744, English author.
2. Also, Theobold /thee"euh bohld'/. a male given name.

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(as used in expressions)
Bethmann Hollweg Theobald von
Boehm Theobald
Smith Theobald
Tone Theobald Wolfe

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born c. 1090, , near Bec, Normandy [France]
died April 18, 1161

      archbishop of Canterbury from 1138, prominent during the reigns of kings Stephen and Henry II of England.

      Theobald entered the abbey of Bec in Normandy, became prior (c. 1127), was elected abbot in 1136, and was chosen archbishop of Canterbury in 1138. From 1139 to 1143 he was overshadowed by Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, who had secured the office of papal legate with powers equal or superior to those of the archbishop. Politically, Theobald was a cautious conformist, generally obedient to Stephen, but, when the king wished his son Eustace to be crowned to secure his succession, Pope Eugenius III forbade Theobald to carry out the rite, and the archbishop was forced to flee (1152). Soon reinstated, Theobald played a leading part in negotiating the treaty that brought Henry of Anjou to the throne, but after the crowning of Henry II (1154) the rest of his episcopate was uneventful.

      He was a highly competent administrator but not a great spiritual leader; his household produced four archbishops and six bishops. Theobald is chiefly famous as patron of Thomas Becket, whom he made archdeacon of Canterbury, and of John of Salisbury, the historian and philosopher. He is also known for bringing to Oxford Vacarius, the Mantuan jurist who laid the foundations of the serious study of Roman law in England.

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