
Thasian /thay"shee euhn, -sheuhn, -see euhn/, adj., n.
/thah"saws/; Eng. /thay"sos, -sohs/, n.
a Greek island in the N Aegean. 13,316; ab. 170 sq. mi. (440 sq. km).

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Island, northern Aegean Sea, northeastern Macedonia, Greece.

It covers 146 sq mi (379 sq km). It was colonized с 700 BC by Greeks from Páros who exploited its gold mines and founded a school of sculpture. The Persians seized Thásos in the early 5th century BC; it later came under the authority of Athens as a member of the Delian League. A Macedonian dependency in 202 BC, Thásos passed to Rome in 196 BC. The Turks ruled it from the mid-15th century AD until it was ceded to Greece in 1913. Its industries include boatbuilding, fishing, and tourism, and it has been a base for offshore oil exploration since the 1970s. Many 7th2nd-century-BC monuments have been found there.

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Modern Greek  Thásos , Latin  Thasus 

      large, wooded island of the northernmost Aegean Sea, Kavála nomós (department), Greece. It is located southwest of the delta of the Néstos River in Thrace and has an area of 146 square miles (379 square km) and a total coastline of 59 miles (95 km). Thasos is an outlier of the Macedonian crystalline massif, with intercalations of horizontally inclined white marble. The highest mountain, Mount Ipsárion (3,947 feet [1,203 m]), lies near the island's northeastern coast. The population is distributed in about 10 villages, mostly at some distance from the sea; the chief town, Thásos (formerly Limín), is on the north coast.

      The ancient Greek historian Herodotus mentions an early Phoenician settlement that worked the island's gold mines. In the 7th century BC, Greeks from Páros colonized Thasos, exploited the gold mines, and founded a school of sculpture. In 465 Thasos seceded from the Delian League in a dispute over gold mines on the mainland, but, after a siege of two years by the Athenians, it was forced to demolish its walls, surrender its fleet and mainland possessions, and pay an indemnity and an annual contribution to the league. During the Peloponnesian War, Thasos revolted from 411 to 407, and, after Athens' defeat, the Spartan admiral Lysander seized the island (403). Thasos was again allied to Athens in 389 and was a permanent member of the Second Athenian League. It became a Macedonian dependency in 202 and passed to the Romans in 196. From AD 1204 it was under Latin rule until its capture by the Turks in 1455. The Turks ruled it almost continuously for the next three and a half centuries. From 1813 to 1902 it belonged to the Turkish governors of Egypt, and in 1913 it passed from the Turks to Greece following the Balkan Wars.

      Excavations on the ancient settlements began in 186263 and were revived in 1911; much has been done since 1948 to uncover several monuments from the 7th to the 2nd century BC. The island's industries include boatbuilding, using local pine, as well as fishing and tourism. Zinc mining was revived there after World War I, creating the new centre of Limenária. Since the early 1970s Thasos has been the base for offshore oil exploration in the Aegean. Pop. (1981) 13,111.

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Universalium. 2010.

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