
testable, adj.testability, n.testingly, adv.
/test/, n.
1. the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial.
2. the trial of the quality of something: to put to the test.
3. a particular process or method for trying or assessing.
4. a set of questions, problems, or the like, used as a means of evaluating the abilities, aptitudes, skills, or performance of an individual or group; examination.
5. Psychol. a set of standardized questions, problems, or tasks designed to elicit responses for use in measuring the traits, capacities, or achievements of an individual.
6. Chem.
a. the process of identifying or detecting the presence of a constituent of a substance, or of determining the nature of a substance, commonly by the addition of a reagent.
b. the reagent used.
c. an indication or evidence of the presence of a constituent, or of the nature of a substance, obtained by such means.
7. an oath or other confirmation of one's loyalty, religious beliefs, etc.
8. Brit. a cupel for refining or assaying metals.
9. to subject to a test of any kind; try.
10. Chem. to subject to a chemical test.
11. Metall. to assay or refine in a cupel.
12. to undergo a test or trial; try out.
13. to perform on a test: People test better in a relaxed environment.
14. to conduct a test: to test for diabetes.
[1350-1400; ME: cupel < MF < L testu, testum earthen pot; akin to TEST2]
Syn. 1. proof, assay. See trial. 9. assay, prove, examine.
/test/, n.
1. Zool. the hard, protective shell or covering of certain invertebrates, as echinoderms or tunicates.
2. Bot. testa.
[1535-45; < L testa tile, shell, covering; akin to TEST1]

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protozoan integument
      in zoology, a protective, loose-fitting shell secreted by some protozoans (especially foraminiferans and radiolarians). In most species the organic test contains inorganic materials that may be foreign objects (e.g., sand grains, shell fragments) or substances secreted by the organism (calcium carbonate or silica plates). Properties of the test (e.g., light transmitting qualities, wall structure) vary with test form.

      Tests are diverse in structure and can include external ridges and spines and internal partitions, structural supports, wall laminations, and canal systems. Some tests have a single opening through which cytoplasm can emerge; others have several openings, and some are penetrated by small pores for cytoplasmic extensions. The taxonomy of the protozoan order Foraminiferida is based on the structure of the test, as is that of the ciliate order Tintinnida, in which the test is usually called a lorica (q.v.).

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