
/tes"euhr euh/, n., pl. tesserae /tes"euh ree'/.
1. one of the small pieces used in mosaic work.
2. a small square of bone, wood, or the like, used in ancient times as a token, tally, ticket, etc.
[1640-50; < L < Gk (Ionic) tésseres FOUR]

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(Latin:cube,” ordie”),plural  Tesserae,  
 in mosaic work, a small piece of stone, glass, ceramic, or other hard material cut in a cubical or some other regular shape. The earliest tesserae, which by 200 BC had replaced natural pebbles in Hellenistic (Hellenistic Age) mosaics, were cut from marble and limestone. Stone tesserae remained dominant in mosaics into Roman times, but between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC tesserae of smalto, or coloured glass (glassware), also began to be produced, cut from large slabs of glass that ranged from lightly tinted to opaque. These relatively fragile glass tesserae were used sparingly in floor mosaics to provide pure blues, reds, and greens that could not be found in the more durable natural stone; with the advent of wall mosaic between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, however, glass tesserae of every hue were produced to constitute the major part of this decoration, stone being mainly reserved for floors. Glass was the major material for wall and vault mosaics of Early Christian and Byzantine churches, and marble and limestone tesserae were frequently used in the depiction of faces, woolen garments, rocks, and other objects that required a soft or rough appearance.

      An important variety of glass tesserae, appearing first in Roman mosaics of the 4th century AD, were those made with gold and silver leaf. Thin plates of gold or silver were sandwiched between two slabs of molten glass, one thicker than the other, to produce a mirrorlike piece that was then cut into tesserae. These gold and silver tesserae were used in Roman and the earliest Christian mosaics simply to depict gold and silver objects; in later mosaics of the Early Christian period and in Byzantine (Byzantine art) mosaics, solid fields of gold tesserae formed the gold background that appeared in almost every decoration.

      Another important class of tesserae is ceramic (traditional ceramics) tesserae, used occasionally in antiquity and the Middle Ages but rivaling glass as a major material in modern mosaics. Tesserae of shell, mother-of-pearl, enamel, painted stone, and painted terra-cotta have also been used.

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