
terminally, adv.
/terr"meuh nl/, adj.
1. situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
2. occurring at or forming the end of a series, succession, or the like; closing; concluding.
3. pertaining to or lasting for a term or definite period; occurring at fixed terms or in every term: terminal payments.
4. pertaining to, situated at, or forming the terminus of a railroad.
5. Bot. growing at the end of a branch or stem, as a bud or inflorescence.
6. Archit. noting a figure, as a herm or term, in the form of a bust upon a gaine.
7. pertaining to or placed at a boundary, as a landmark.
8. occurring at or causing the end of life: a terminal disease.
9. Informal. utterly beyond hope, rescue, or saving: The undercapitalized project is a terminal problem.
10. a terminal part of a structure; end or extremity.
11. Railroads. a major assemblage of station, yard, maintenance, and repair facilities, as at a terminus, at which trains originate or terminate, or at which they are distributed or combined.
12. Computers. any device for entering information into a computer or receiving information from it, as a keyboard with video display unit, either adjoining the computer or at some distance from it.
13. a station on the line of a public carrier, as in a city center or at an airport, where passengers embark or disembark and where freight is received or discharged.
14. Elect.
a. the mechanical device by means of which an electric connection to an apparatus is established.
b. the point of current entry to, or point of current departure from, any conducting component in an electric circuit.
15. Archit.
a. a herm or term.
b. a carving or the like at the end of something, as a finial.
[1480-90; late ME < L terminalis, equiv. to termin(us) end, limit + -alis -AL1]
Syn. 1, 2. final, ending, ultimate. 8. fatal, mortal, lethal.

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