
/tahr"tooh/, n.
a city in SE Estonia. 115,000. Formerly, German, Dorpat; Russian, Yurev.

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German and Swedish  Dorpat , formerly (until 1893)  Derpt  and (18931918)  Yuryev 

      old university city of Estonia, on the Emajogi River. The original settlement of Tarbatu dates from the 5th century; in 1030 the Russians built a fort there called Yuryev. From the 13th to the 16th century, the town was a prosperous member of the Hanseatic League. Then held in turn by Poles (15821600, 160325) and Swedes (160003, 16251704), it was finally annexed to Russia by Peter I the Great in 1704. The city was devastated by fire in 1775 and was largely rebuilt in classical style. It suffered heavily again during World War II. Its university, founded in 1632 by Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden, was evacuated to Parnu in 1699 and closed in 1710, but it was reopened in Tartu in 1802.

      The university is noted for its observatory, art museum, botanical garden, and library. In 1951 an agricultural college was established. In addition to its academic role, modern Tartu is a city of factories producing instruments, agricultural machinery, footwear, foodstuffs, and other goods. The ruins of the 13th-century cathedral remain on Toomemjagi Hill. Pop. (1989) 114,000.

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