
/tar'euhn tel"euh/, n.
1. a rapid, whirling southern Italian dance in very quick sextuple, originally quadruple, meter, usually performed by a single couple, and formerly supposed to be a remedy for tarantism.
2. a piece of music either for the dance or in its rhythm.
[1775-85; < It, equiv. to Tarant(o) TARANTO + -ella -ELLE]

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 couple folk dance of Italy characterized by light, quick steps and teasing, flirtatious behaviour between partners; women dancers frequently carry tambourines. The music is in lively 6/8 time. Tarantellas for two couples are also danced. The tarantella's origin is connected with tarantism, a disease or form of hysteria that appeared in Italy in the 15th to the 17th century and that was obscurely associated with the bite of the tarantula spider; victims seemingly were cured by frenzied dancing. All three words ultimately derive from the name of the town of Taranto, Italy. Tarantellas were written for the piano by Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt, and Carl Maria von Weber.

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  • tarantella — 1782, peasant dance popular in Italy, originally hysterical malady characterized by extreme impulse to dance (1630s), epidemic in Apulia and adjacent parts of southern Italy 15c. 17c., popularly attributed to (or believed to be a cure for) the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tarantella — [tar΄ən tel′ə] n. [It, dim. of TARANTO: pop. assoc. with TARANTISM because of its lively character] 1. a fast, whirling southern Italian dance for couples, in 6/8 time 2. music for this …   English World dictionary

  • Tarantella — The Tarantella is an Italian dance, its name coming from the town of Taranto, where it originated. It is the most recognized of Italian music, and is the popular theme song of pizzerias and restaurants. Throughout Italy it is different with every …   Wikipedia

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  • Tarantella — Ta|ran|tẹl|la 〈f.; , tẹl|len od. s〉 südital. Volkstanz im 3/4 od. 6/8 Takt [<ital. tarantella, vielleicht nach den heftigen Bewegungen eines, der wie von der Tarantel gestochen ist, od. nach der Stadt Tarent] * * * Ta|ran|tẹl|la, die; , s u …   Universal-Lexikon

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