
tannaitic /tah'neuh it"ik/, adj.
Seph. Heb. /tah nah"/; Ashk. Heb., Eng. /tah"nah/, n., pl. tannaim Seph. Heb. /tah nah eem"/; Ashk. Heb., Eng. /tah nah"im/. (often cap.) Judaism.
one of a group of Jewish scholars, active in Palestine during the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D., whose teachings are found chiefly in the Mishnah. Cf. amora, sabora.
[ < Heb tanna teacher]

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also spelled  Tana 

      island of Vanuatu, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is volcanic in origin. It is 25 miles (40 km) long and 12 miles (19 km) wide and occupies an area of 212 square miles (549 square km). It rises to 3,556 feet (1,084 metres) at Mount Tukuwasmera. Well-watered, wooded, and with a tropical climate, Tanna is the most fertile island in the republic and produces copra, coffee, and cattle for export. On the southeast coast, 3 miles (5 km) from Port Résolution, is Yasur, an active volcano that has been erupting almost continuously since at least the 18th century. The former French administrative headquarters are at Lénakel, which lies on the southwest coast and is the site of an airfield, hospitals, and schools. The former British headquarters are at White Sands on the east coast. There is an airport at White Grass, in the northwest. The island is the centre of a noted cargo cult built around a messianic figure known as Jon (or John) Frum.

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  • Tanna — o Tana es una isla de Vanuatu. Tiene un área de 550 km². Su altura máxima es el Monte Tukosmera a 1.084 m. El monte Yasur es un volcán activo, localizado en la costa sudeste. Tanna es el centro del culto de cargo de Jon Frum …   Enciclopedia Universal

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