
/tang"krid/, n.
1078?-1112, Norman leader in the first Crusade.

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died Feb. 20, 1194, Palermo

King of Sicily (119094), the last of the Norman rulers.

He rebelled twice (1155, 1161) against his uncle William I of Sicily, and he gained the Sicilian throne after the death of William II. He gave in to the demand of Richard I (the Lionheart) in 1191 for the legacy left him by William II and the return of the dowry of his sister Joan, William's widow, after Richard occupied Messina. Emperor Henry VI sought to wrest the Sicilian throne from Tancred, unsuccessfully besieging Naples in 1191 and marching on Sicily again in 1194. Tancred died before his arrival, and Henry was crowned king.

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king of Sicily
Italian  Tancredi  
died Feb. 20, 1194, Palermo

      king of Sicily whose brief reign marked the end of the Norman rule there.

      An illegitimate son of Duke Roger of Apulia and grandson of Roger II, king of Sicily, Tancred joined an insurrection in 1155 against his uncle William I of Sicily and was imprisoned for five years. Released, he participated in another abortive coup in 1161 and went into exile.

      Thirteen years later, forgiven his disloyalty to William I, Tancred led William II's expedition against Alexandria and later commanded a Sicilian fleet. William II's death in 1189 without direct heirs found Tancred a serious contender for the throne. Opposed by the feudal barons but backed by the people and the papacy, he was crowned king in 1190. The first year of his reign was troubled by an anti-Muslim riot and by the stormy visit of Richard I the Lion-Heart of England and Philip Augustus of France on their way to the Third Crusade. Richard demanded a legacy promised him by William II and the restoration of the dowry of his sister Joan, William's widow. During the six months he spent in Sicily while negotiations continued, Richard provoked a riot in Messina, which he then put down by plundering, burning, and occupying the city. Tancred bought peace by yielding to Richard's financial demands, and in March 1191 Richard departed.

      In 1191 the Holy Roman emperor Henry VI, who claimed the Sicilian throne through his wife, Constance I (daughter of Roger II), marched south to claim Constance's inheritance. He invaded Tancred's mainland territory and unsuccessfully besieged Naples. Constance remained in Salerno when he retreated and fell into Tancred's hands. Tancred gave in to pressure by the pope to release his valuable hostage to papal custody, but en route Constance managed to escape and return to Germany.

      Three years later Henry made a fresh attempt on Sicily, his campaign partly financed by the ransom paid for Richard I the Lion-Heart, who had been made a prisoner in Germany. Before Henry reached Sicily, Tancred died suddenly, leaving only a young son, William III. The barons rallied to Henry, who was crowned king of Sicily on Christmas Day, 1194. Tancred's family was promised safe conduct but, under pretext of the discovery of a plot, was seized and sent in captivity to Germany, where William III died, probably murdered, ending the 125-year Norman rule of Sicily.

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